Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bon Voyage Marchrist

Marlin and Christine are off in their usual, whirlwind style. They just got back, I'm so pissed. As I told them, they are selfish bastards for deserting me/us like this. And as usual our timing couldn't be worse because they return just as my NOAA contract is due to expire, and so about that time I could possibly be hitting the road.

They are starting off by traveling to up-state Turkey for a few months until the winter weather turns them away, and then not even they are sure where to next: I love it! This used to be termed Doin It Dougie-style, but I haven't been championing this movement in awhile now so its being referred to more and more these days as In Marlin Motion.

I'll be sure to post their link when they make one, although I'm guessing they might snub 21st Century technology again and skip the blog. Buen Viaje, mon amis!

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