Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Jon's Home Homebrew

I've always wanted to make a Tortugabrew but all that sloshing around wouldn't be too good for the primary and secondary fermentation stages, not to mention what might happen if I were pulled over while boiling the wart.

Jon and I, as well as Lara and Annie, are hoping to start a little ritualism that we hope might last through the winter. Our goal is that every other week we'll get together and work on a new beer, hopefully racking one while we kick off another batch, and all the while we'll be swilling beers from our growing beer cellar and eating gourmet food of the Betty Ford varietal.

A "Betty Ford" is a very Lara & Jon thing in that it is a refined method of what the rest of us all call grazing. Mrs Ford was a lush and liked her snacks, and being the First Lady she obviously grazed on only the finest of ingredients and so its from this tradition that we draw our inspiration. We lay out an entire meals' worth of good food while we swill whatever beverage of the moment suits our fancy, more often than not this winter it was wine but we are transitioning towards beers, sometimes g&t's and hopefully more margaritas.

Batch #1: "Bitterheart Porter": Its dark, its bitter, we hope it's as chewy as one of those new-fangled style granola bars.

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