Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Ballard Suite

Here's a few pics of my Ballard digs and la famiglia: Jon and Lara are the home-owners and here is how they generally spend their days: yep, lazing around the yard with their pooches while I am their "lawn-boy" and do my best to keep it trimmed and watered but its hard when I'm
constantly shaking up martinis for these two. Just kidding. They are the hardest working pair of architects that I currently know and their dogs the best behaved spaniels this side of 17th and that side of 19th (between 75th and about 81st).

It'll be sad when we have to go (for us, probably not them, although they claim to love us unconditionally) and we are currently on the hunt for a spacious 1-BR or 2-BR place to rent in the North-Central Seattle. Preferably there will be attached parking for the RV: our annex, extra storage, our guest room and daddy's peace-and-quiet getaway. Do you know of such a place, please let me know.

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