Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years Day should be a day to set the stage for the year, not one that you hope to forget and never repeat. Some of us my never learn. There's still hope, but there are at least two of us who didn't in 2007.

The night before was a blast! We danced and jiggled our thangs, some of us more than others, and we smoked stogies and drank dougnogs. One of us eat a Tequila worm. Two of us danced near to naked in the snow around the campfire. Several of us were prudent and didn't drink in excess... myself nor JA were among that group of inteligencia.

The next day I couldn't wish my friends out of the house quick enough so that I could simply vegetate on the couch on focus more completely on my sufferings. I really didn't drink that much, but clearly, too much. Some would say its age, but I'd argue that its my highly tuned fitness which just can't tolerate impurities. Yeah right. Although I did rip off 50k on skate skis just hours/moments before I started drinking my first beers of the evening.

If you missed the Boise State game, or just the final 5 minutes, you missed one hell of a game. It was pretty special after watching 4 back-to-back games throughout the day.

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