Tuesday, January 03, 2006

2006 bites!

5-minutes past the stroke of midnight jeff leans over and says to me, smiling: this year sucks so far!

we were at a new years bonfire all bundled-up and standing in snow, and so the rain that began falling only minutes before the ball dropped was not only fizzling on our fire but asthetically unpleasing at a midwinter party: we want SNOW!

so far i've been sick every day of 2006... all three days of it, and i won't be recovering before i return to work on thursday, so that midnight motto has become a sort of mantra for me. had i not fallen ill i might have forgotten that drunken fireside moment. yeah, so far 2006 really sucks!

3-days into the new year and there's only room for improvement, although i've had time to reflect and pontificate... and watch oodles of bowl-game football and read, read, read. i needed a timeout anyway after the past few weeks of hectic behavior -- work, family, parties, skiing... its no wonder that i finally got sick.

2006 will rock!

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