Monday, March 26, 2007

Bent in Bend

I came to Bend for XC Master Nationals and one last chance to race for the season but ended up doing way less racing than I bargained for. I almost pre-registered for all 3 days of racing but I decided to wait and pay-as-i-went. If I'd have prereg'ed I still would have skipped the classic race because I was just too beat after the skiathlon, but it might have lit a fire under me for the skate race. Yeah, I skipped it. Damn me.

Well, "es la vida" is what I'm telling myself now. I really think that I would have completely blown myself if I'd have raced yesterday and been worthless for a few days anyway even if I'd not gotten sick, which I suspect would have happened. So after a leisurely morning instead of driving up to Bachelor to race, I mounted the bike and got in a nice easy 4 1/2 hour ride. Sun came out, wind was always at my back... it was a perfect day. Then today I went up to Bachelor and tele skied the mountain and got in over 2 amazing hours on skate skis. It was nice and cold up there and so the tracks set up beautifully, unlike all last weekend during the racing. But yeah, I'm still feeling the regret right now but I think it will pass.

I'm digging this town this trip more than anytime since my rock climbing expeditions to Smithy back in the college days. I'm finally over the fact that its exploded and cute little Bend is no longer.

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